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Beck J.-S., Les Alsaciens durant la seconde guerre mondiale: 1939-1941 , Editions du Belvédère, Pontarlier 2016. Böhm J., Einfluss des Nationalsozialismus auf die Presse der deutschen Volksgruppen in Rumänien, Un... continua →
Al-Hardan A., Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities , Columbia University Press, New York (NY) 2016. Gabiam N., The Politics of Suffering: Syria's Palestinian Refugee Camps , Indiana University Press, Bloomington (IN) 20... continua →
Breccia G., Guerra all'ISIS: Diario dal fronte curdo , Il Mulino, Bologna 2016. Hamelink W., The Sung Home: Narrative, Morality, and the Kurdish Nation , Brill, Leiden 2016. Pelletiere S. C., Oil and... continua →
Allioui Y., L'âne et l'abeille: Enigmes et comptines kabyles , L'Harmattan, Paris 2016. Legassick M., Hidden Histories of Gordonia: Land Dispossession and Resistance in the Northern Cape, 1800-1990 , Wits Univer... continua →
Bennett J. A., Wanhalla A., Mothers' Darlings of the South Pacific: The Children of Indigenous Women and U.S. Servicemen, World War II , University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu (HI) 2016. Brown M. A., Facing the Spears of Change: The Life and... continua →
Alkartasuna , 76, otsaila/febrero 2016. Questione basca; Corsica, etc. Bedrohte Völker-Pogrom , 291, 6/2015. Numero quasi interamente dedicato agli ultimi sviluppi della questione kurda. w... continua →
Filoni F. K., Die Christen im Irak: Ihre Geschichte von den Anfängen bis heute , Camino Verlag, Stuttgart 2016. Hopman E. E., A Legacy of Druids: Conversations with Druid Leaders of Britain, the USA and Canada, Past and Present , M... continua →
Bussidor I., Ustun B. R., Spiriti della notte. La deportazione della tribù Sayisi Dené , Xenia, Pavia 2016. Hoxie F. E., The Oxford Handbook of American Indian History , Oxford University Press, Oxford 2016. http://global.ou... continua →
Dhiarmada B. N., The 1916 Irish Rebellion , University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame (IN) 2016. Grayson R. S., McGarry F. (a cura di), Remembering 1916: The Easter Rising, the Somme and the Politics of Memory in Ireland , Cambridge Univ... continua →
Agarin T., Cordell K. (a cura di), Minority Rights and Minority Protection in Europe , Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham (MD) 2016. Cuadras Morató X. (a cura di), Catalonia: A New Independent State in Europe? A Debate on Secession within... continua →
AlterNative , XII, 1, 2016. Mapuche; Botswana; Taiwan; Maya del Guatemala; recensioni, etc. Antas , 10, 2016. Articoli su musica e cultura sarda. Ethnopolitics , XV, 3, 2016. Partiti etnici in... continua →
Igersheim F., L'Alsace politique 1870-1914 , Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, Strasbourg 2016. Le Normand E., Alsace, territoires de Résistance , Editions du Belvédère, Pontarlier 2016. continua →
Hofman C., Hoogland M., Saba's First Inhabitants: A Story of 3300 Years of Amerindian Occupation prior to European Contact (1800 BC-AD 1492), Sidestone Press, Leiden 2016. ... continua →
17 marzo - 3 luglio 2016 Calling the Animals: Arctic Stories, Drawn, Printed and Carved in Stone Mostra di artisti inuit canadesi (pittori, scultori, etc.). NONAM - Nordamerika Native Museum, Seefeldstrasse 317, Zürigo (Svizzera). ... continua →
Barbet C., Les rébellions touarègues au Nord-Mali: Entre idées reçues et réalités , L'Harmattan, Paris 2016. Buono G., Le prince musicien: Contes kabyles , Tangerine Nights,... continua →
Ageel G. (a cura di), Apartheid in Palestine: Hard Laws and Harder Experiences , University of Alberta Press, Edmonton (AB) 2016. Baram N., Im Land der Verzweiflung: Ein Israeli reist in die besetzten Gebiete , Hanser Verlag, Mü... continua →
Costet-Tardieu F., Les minorités chrétiennes dans la construction de l'Egypte moderne (1922-1952) , Karthala, Paris 2016. François S., Le retour de Pan. Panthéisme, néo-paganisme et antichristianisme da... continua →
Bedrohte Völker/Pogrom , 290, 2015. Dossier: i popoli indigeni e l'ambiente; aggiornamenti; recensioni, etc. The Contemporary Pacific, XXVIII, 1, 2016. Timor Est; musica melanesiana; nuovi studi accademici sull'Oceania; aggiorname... continua →
Majtényi B., Majtényi G., A Contemporary History of Exclusion: The Roma Issue in Hungary from 1945 to 2015 , Central European University Press, Budapest 2016. Jobbins S., The Red Dragon: The Story of the Welsh Fla... continua →