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Goeman M., Mark My Words: Native Women Mapping Our Nations, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis (MN) 2013. 
Keillor E., Archambault T., Kelly J. M. H., Encyclopedia of Native American Music of North America, Greenwood Press, Westport (CT) 2013.   

King C. R., Unsettling America: The Uses of Indianness in the 21st Century, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham (MD) 2013.
Lawson R. M. (a cura di), Encyclopedia of American Indian Issues Today, Greenwood Press, Westport (CT) 2013.   

Betzinez J., J'ai combattu avec Geronimo, Indiens de tous pays - OD Edition, Paris 2013.
Hosmer B., Nesper L., Tribal Worlds: Critical Studies in American Indian Nation Building, State University of New York Press, Albany (NY) 2013.
Jacoby K., Des ombres à l'aube: Un massacre d'Apaches et la violence de l'histoire, Anacharsis, Toulouse 2013. 

Gwynne S. C., L'impero della luna d'estate. Ascesa e declino della tribù dei Comanche, Mondadori, Milano 2013.
Penny H. G., Kindred by Choice: Germans and American Indians since 1800, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill (NC) 2013. 
Turner Strong P., American Indians and the American Imaginary: Cultural Representation Across the Centuries, Paradigm Publishers, Boulder (CO) 2013.

Perdue T., Green M. D., Die Indianer Nordamerikas, Reclam Verlag, Ditzingen 2013.

Alvarez A., Native America and the Question of Genocide, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham (MD) 2014.
Dubois J., Giroux D., Arts performatifs et spectaculaires des Premières Nations de l'Est du Canada, L'Harmattan, Paris 2014.

Feltes-Strigler M.-C., Richard Hayward, l'Indien millionaire. Ou la renaissance d'une tribu par les machines à sous, L'Harmattan, Paris 2014.

Meyers Bahr D., The Students of Sherman Indian School: Education and Native Identity since 1892, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (OK) 2014. 
Porter J., Native American Environmentalism: Land, Spirit, and the Idea of Wilderness, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln (NE) 2014.  
Talbot S., Native Nations of North America: An Indigenous Perspective, Pearson Higher Education, Upper Saddle River (NJ) 2014.

Tarango A., Choosing the Jesus Way: American Indian Pentecostals and the Fight for the Indigenous Principle, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill (NC) 2014.

Brito P., Du Castel V., Groenland entre indépendance et récupérationg géostratégique? Enjeux, défis et opportunités, L'Harmattan, Paris 2014.
Collings P., Becoming Inummarik: Men's Lives in an Inuit Community, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montréal (PQ) 2014.
Harper K., In Those Days: Collected Writings on Arctic History, Inhabit Media, Iqaluit 2014. 

Betzinez J., Ho combattuto con Geronimo: La straordinaria testimonianza di un guerriero apache, Il punto d'incontro, Vicenza 2014.
Krutak L., Tattoo Traditions of Native North America: Ancient and Contemporary Expressions of Identity, LM Publishers, Arnhem 2014.

Osburn K. M. B., Choctaw Resurgence in Mississippi: Race, Class, and Nation Building in the Jim Crow South, 1830-1977, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln (NE) 2014.
Ouriou S. (a cura di), Languages of My Land: Indigenous Voices from Quebec / Langues de ma terre: Voix autochtones du Québec, Banff Centre Press, Banff (AB) 2014. 
Smithers G, D., Newman B. N. (a cura di), Native Diasporas: Indigenous Identities and Settler Colonialism in the Americas, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln (NE) 2014.
Spence L., I nativi americani: Miti e leggende, a cura di Jon E. Lewis, Odoya, Bologna 2014.

Burham P., Song of Dewey Beard: Last Survivor of the Little Bighorn, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln (NE) 2014.
Fraissé M.-H., L'impensable rencontre: Chroniques des sauvages de l'Amerique du Nord, Albin Michel, Paris 2014.
Miller D. H., L'ultima vittoria degli indiani. Little Big Horn e la disfatta del generale Custer, Res Gestae, Milano 2014.
Teuer A., Atlas of Indian Nations, National Geographic, Des Moines (IA) 2014. 

Woolford A., Benvenuto J., Laban Hinton A. (a cura di), Colonial Genocide in Indigenous North America, Duke University Press, Durham (NC) 2014.

Britten T. A., The National Council on Indian Opportunity: Quiet Champion of Self-Determination, University of New Mexico Press, 
(NM) 2014. 

Glancy D., Fort Marion Prisoners and the Trauma of Native Education, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln (NE) 2013.
Larre L., Histoire de la nation Cherokee, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, Pessac 2014.

Norman E. S., Governing Transboundary Waters: Canada, the United States, and Indigenous Communities, Routledge, London 2014.

Swann B. (a cura di), Sky Loom: Native American Myth, Story, and Song, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln (NE) 2013.

Warrior R. (a cura di), The World of Indigenous North America, Routledge, London 2014.

Sowa F., Indigene Völker in der Weltgesellschaft: Die kulturelle Identität der grönländischen Inuit im Spannungsfeld von Natur und Kultur,
Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2014.