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Nuovi libri sugli Indiani del Nordamerica

Drury B., Clavin T., Sur la terre des Sioux: Red Cloud, une légende américaine, Albin Michel, Paris 2015. 

Kelton P., Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation's Fight against Smallpox, 1518-1824, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (OK) 2015. 

Mathes V. S. (a cura di), The Women's National Indian Association: A History, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque (NM) 2015. 

Sleeper-Smith S., Barr J., M. O'Brien J., Shoemaker N., Stevens S. M. (a cura di), Why You Can't Teach United States History without American Indians, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill (NC) 2015. 