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Nuovi libri sugli Indiani del Nordamerica

Bussidor I., Ustun B. R., Spiriti della notte. La deportazione della tribù Sayisi Dené, Xenia, Pavia 2016.

Hoxie F. E., The Oxford Handbook of American Indian History, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2016.

Keenan J., The Terrible Indian Wars of the West: A History from the Whitman Massacre to Wounded Knee, 1846–1890, McFarland Books, Jefferson (NC) 2016.

Koch M., Schiffmann M., Ein Leben für die Freiheit: Leonard Peltier und der indianische Widerstand, Traumfänger Verlag, Tuntenhausen 2016.

Martire A., Mitakuye Oyasin. Il viaggio dell'anima nella cultura dei nativi americani, L'Età dell'Acquario, Torino 2016.

Reed J. L., Serving the Nation: Cherokee Sovereignty and Social Welfare, 1800-1907, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (OK) 2016.

Reséndez A., The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston (MA) 2016.

Rhea J. M., A Field of Their Own: Women and American Indian History, 1830–1941, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (OK) 2016.